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The 8th National Farm to Cafeteria Conference: Moving Forward Together will convene a diverse group of stakeholders from across the farm to cafeteria movement working to source local food for institutional cafeterias and foster a culture of food and agricultural literacy across America. WHY?Because together, we have the power to affect great change! Cafeterias in schools, universities, prisons, hospitals and childcare centers serve more than 40 million Americans every day during the school year, placing the farm to cafeteria movement at the forefront of the fight to end obesity and strengthen local food systems. Think of it this way: A single school district often feeds more people in a day than all of a city’s restaurants combined. The National Farm to Cafeteria Conference is the only national gathering of stakeholders from across the farm to cafeteria movement, making it the premiere opportunity to learn, network and collaborate with likeminded leaders from across the country!